Whale, hello there! Welcome to our orca quiz. You may be familiar with their distinctive black-and-white pattern and tall dorsal fins, but how much do you really know about these majestic marine mammals? For instance, did you know that orcas are actually the largest member of the dolphin family?
Renowned for being ruthless apex predators, they put the 'kill' in killer whale. Along with their large size and strength, orcas are terrifyingly intelligent which makes them formidable hunters. Orcas go after their prey in coordinated group attacks, earning them the nickname the "wolves of the sea." They have been documented killing blue whales, devouring great white sharks, and even ramming boats. Despite these behaviors, orcas are generally not dangerous to humans.
There is a softer side to orcas too, as they're a very social and family-orientated species (fun fact: the orca society is a matrilineal one). They've been known to display distinct personality traits (like playfulness and affection) and even have best friends. There have also been cases of orcas expressing grief and caring for each other.
Now that you know a bit more about these incredible creatures, can you match their smarts?
Take our science quiz and sea. If you need a hint, hit the yellow button!
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